Because Pilates works. Period. There is simply no better way to achieve integrated strength, flexibility, coordination, improved balance, correct posture, or body awareness than through the Pilates method. Pilates is a vigorous, full-body workout comprising bodyweight exercises, resistance training, dynamic joint mobility, and stretching, all with a strong focus on core strength. Pilates truly does work, and with hundreds of exercises and variations available to us in the Pilates studio, the work is rich and never boring.

There is a misconception that Pilates is “only for women” or “just about stretching,” but this could not be farther from the truth. Pilates is actually named for its inventor, boxer and gymnast Joseph H. Pilates, and his method is drawn from his own experience as a highly successful athlete and trainer. The work is based upon six core principles: control, center, concentration, precision, flow, and breath, and each of these principles is worked during a Pilates session. As a result, this method is good for all body types: if you’re a seasoned athlete, Pilates works beautifully as cross-training; if you’ve never worked out before, Pilates will teach you body awareness and kickstart your fitness program; if you’re recuperating from an injury, Pilates can be integrated into your recovery, as it is no-impact work and stresses the importance of integrated strength and movement. Pilates is transformative: it has transformed my life, and it has transformed the lives of thousands of others. Now let it transform you. Reach out to book your first session today!