Pilates training with Nina has provided me with the strength, flexibility, and stability that I have not had in years. I was inconsistent in training until I began working with her, but very soon after starting I was seeing results in my fitness. Nina’s Pilates sessions are challenging and motivating, but she tailors these to individual needs such as past injuries. The workouts vary from session to session to keep things interesting, and they are always a lot of fun!!!

–David S.

I've done group and private Pilates off and on for years now, and Nina is a cut above any teacher I've ever had. Truly special. She brings compassion, intelligence, and deep expertise to every session and really meets you where you are. Her attention to detail and knowledge of the body are amazing. Even after working together regularly for over year, I am always challenged and learn something new after every session. Highly recommended!

–Kathleen C.

Nina is a great teacher. Even after having had three c-sections and still-split abdominal muscles from pregnancy, I’m stronger than I ever have been. I highly recommend Nina at Riverview Pilates.

–Rachel M.

I can’t say enough about Nina’s mastery of the Pilates form and philosophy and her ability to tailor the work to help each individual  grow stronger and feel healthier. After three years working with her, she continues to mix it up and challenge me. She’s the best!

–Barb S.

I have been doing Pilates with Nina for almost 4 years and my body is so much stronger and better aligned because of my work with her. She is absolutely terrific. Her knowledge and skills as an instructor are awesome. Never hesitant, incredibly smart and organized, she has a laser focus and knows when you're not using the right muscles to keep your body strong and healthy. The sessions fly by in the blink of an eye. And the space is really beautiful: light, airy, serene, with Hudson views. Can't recommend Nina more highly.

–David A.

Nina is fabulous! Not only is she encouraging and supportive, her commitment to technique has taken my Pilates experience to the next level.

–Claire B.

I started working with Nina about 18 months ago, following a hip injury. I gravitate to more HIIT-type workouts and away from yoga, so was skeptical about the benefits of Pilates at first. However, Nina worked to create a more personalized program for me, modifying some exercises due to my hip, but still challenging me in order to improve my strength, alignment, and mobility. Through working with her, I have noticed a big difference in terms of my core strength, and have added Pilates with Nina into my weekly workout routine.

–Kristen C.